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ಉಮಾ and ಶ್ರೀಕಾಂತ, ನಾಯಕ್ ಬಿ (2015) ್ ಬುಡಕಟ್ಟು ಅಧ್ಯಯನ. In: International labour remittance and its impact on indian economy.
Navitha Thimmaiah (2014) Gender Budgeting - initiatives and Impact in India and Karnataka. UNSPECIFIED.
UNSPECIFIED Devolopment Economics BA 3rd sem/BV Copy-(1,2,3,4,5). [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Economic Theory(Faculty of Arts) 1st BA,Correspondence course Copy-(1,2,3,4,5). [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Economics 3-BA Course-3 Block-2 Copy-(1,2,3,4,5). [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Economics 3-BA Course-4 Block-4 Copy-(1,2,3,4,5). [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Economics 3rd BA Copy-(1,2,3,4,5). [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Economics course 4 block 1-copy 5. [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Economics course 4 block1-copy 5. [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Economics course 4 block1-copy 5. [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Economics course 4 block1-copy 5. [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Economics course 4 block1-copy 5. [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Economics course 4 block1-copy 5. [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Economics course 4 block1-copy 5. [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Economics course 4 block1-copy 5. [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Economics course 4 block1-copy 5. [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Economics course 4 block1-copy 5. [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED International Economics 2nd MA Copy-(1,1.2,2.3,3.4,4.5,5). [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED International economics BA 4th sem Copy-(,1,2,3,4,5). [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Macro Economic Theory 12th Edition by M.L Jhingan Part-1 3rd year BA Copy-1. [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Macro Economic Theory 12th Edition by M.L Jhingan Part-1 3rd year BA Copy-2. [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Macro Economic Theory 12th Edition by M.L Jhingan Part-1 3rd year BA Copy-3. [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Macro Economic Theory 12th Edition by M.L Jhingan Part-1 3rd year BA Copy-4. [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Macro Economic Theory 12th Edition by M.L Jhingan Part-1 3rd year BA Copy-5. [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Macro Economic Theory 12th edition by M.L Jhigan part-2 3rd B.A Copy-1,2,3,4,5. [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Macro economic theory 12th edition part4 3rd B.A Copy-1,2,3,4,5). [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Micro Economics BA 1st sem papaer-1 B.V Copy-(1,2,3,4,5). [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Modern Economic Theory Part-H 2nd MA Copy-1,2,3,4,5. [Audio]
UNSPECIFIED Public Economic paper3, 1st MA [Correspondense course] Copy-(1,2,3,4,5). [Audio]
Lavanya GM. Module 2 : Economic Application of Linear Functions Determination of Market Equilibrium Price and Quantity � Impact of specific Tax and Subsidy on Market Equlibrium. (Part 1,2). [Audio]
Mahesh C.V UNIT-1 Introduction Origin of Banking – Role and Importance of banks in Economic Development.(Part 1,2,3). [Audio]
Mahesh CV Module 5 : Macro Economic Policy Monetary and Fiscal policy, Objectives and Significance (Part 1,2,3,4,5,6). [Audio]
Mahesh CV Module 6 : Capital Budgeting Need for Capital Budgeting – Capital Budgeting Techniques – Payback Period and NPVI Method (Part 2,3,4,5). [Audio]
Mahesh CV. Module 2: Classical Theory of Employment Say�s law of Market Wage price Flexibility criticisms of the classical theory of employment. (Parat 1,2,3,4). [Audio]
Mitra Jyoti Agricultural Economics 1-MA Copy-1,Copy-1. [Audio]
Mitra Jyoti B.A 3rd Economics course5 block1-copy1,2,3,4,5. [Audio]
Mitra Jyoti BA 3rd Economics Course3 Block-3 Copy-1,2,3,4,5. [Audio]
Mitra Jyoti BA 3rd Economics Couse-5 Block-2 Copy-1,2,3,4,5. [Audio]
Mitra Jyoti Bissiness Economics 1st Year B.A/B.Sc 1st Sem Copy-1,2,3,4,5. [Audio]
Mitra Jyoti Economics 2-BA Block-1 Copy-1,2,3,4,5. [Audio]
Mitra Jyoti Economics 2-BA Block-2 Copy-3,4,5. [Audio]
Mitra Jyoti Exam Material Managerial Economic BA 2nd Semester (Copy-1,2,3,4,5). [Audio]
Mitra Jyoti Indian Economy BA 5th Sem Copy-1,2,3,4,5. [Audio]
Mitra Jyoti Macro Economic Theory 2nd and 3rd sem BA,B.S (Copy-1,2,3,4,5). [Audio]
Mitra Jyoti Macro Economic Theory 2nd and 3rd sem BA,B.S (Copy-4,5). [Audio]
Mitra Jyoti Macro Economic theory part-3 12th Edition by M.C.Jhingam 3rd BA Copy-1,2,3,4,5. [Audio]
Mitra Jyoti Macro Economics 1st MA Copy-1,2,3,4,5. [Audio]
Mitra Jyoti Managerial Economics 1st BA&1st BSc,2nd sem BV& also competative exams Copy-1,2,3,4,5). [Audio]
Mitra Jyoti Micro Economic Theory 2nd MA Part-3 (Copy-1,2,3,4,5). [Audio]
Mitra Jyoti Modern Economic Theory part-G 2nd MA Copy-1,2,3,4,5. [Audio]
Mitra Jyoti Modern Economic theory 1st and 2nd sem B.A,M.A (Copy-1,2,3,4,5). [Audio]
Mitra Jyoti Modern Economic theroy 1st and 2nd BA,MA Copy-1,2,3,4,5. [Audio]
Mitra Jyoti Optional English Batch-2 Course-5 B.A 3rd Copy-1,2,3,4,5. [Audio]
Suresh .C Module 1 : IntroductionEconomic thought during Ancient period, Mercantalism and physiocracy(a brief introduction) (Part 1,2,3,4,5,6,7). [Audio]
Suresh .C Module 3 : neo-Classical Period Alfred Marshall – Theory of value, Utility analysis (Part 1,2,3,4,5). [Audio]
Suresh .C Module 4 : Karl Marx Materialistic Interpretation of history, Theory of value and surplus value and class struggle, Business cycles. (Part 3,5). [Audio]
Suresh .C Module 5 : J.M.Keynes Theory of Income and Employment determination (Part 1,2,3,4,5). [Audio]