The hidden secret: woman silence over rape: a study based on a movie named hush! Girls don't scream

Shojaei, Faezeh and Gholamnia, Mohammad (2015) The hidden secret: woman silence over rape: a study based on a movie named hush! Girls don't scream. International Journal of English and Education, 4 (1). ISSN 2278-4012

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Rape is what it is and gets riched in its effect as it is not considered a crime but a matter of great shame for women. Rape is supposed to not only physically hurt the woman but also is considered as an act that damages her honor and that of her family or community. Since such factors of honor and shame continue to be attached to womens bodies, rape or any assaults against women will not stop. This paper is a report on the situation of women in the Third World. The work of Pouran Derakhshandeh; a movie named Hush! Girls dont scream, has represented that women are sentenced to tolerate such conditions which are interpreted for them by the community. In other words, extremely the women of the Third World have survived without a voice with which to speak their complaint. In fact they are the second sex. They have endured silence. As our society (Iran or any other Third World Society) is a moral society; evaluating the hidden subjects are never noted as vital, and instead of speaking, silence dominates and in some occasions, women have been obsessed by communities for speaking openly. But in Western societies, many of the victims prefer to talk about their problems before their hate and disgust pile up, even if the significance of the incidents are greater there in compare with Iran. Like Ms. Opera who is a victim of a father raping his daughter. Today we realize that women have restricted themselves with the wrong cultural and social attitudes which have been injected to their mind from childhood by family and community. This paper is an effort to remove that mistake.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Rape and Woman Silence and Honor and Shame and Female Pedophilia
Subjects: A Arts and Humanities > Linguistics
Divisions: Department of > Linguistics
Depositing User: Users 19 not found.
Date Deposited: 16 Jul 2019 05:32
Last Modified: 16 Jul 2019 05:32

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